Painting Bantham view each day for a year
Painting Bantham view each day for a year
In 2010 Graham decided to celebrate his 60th birthday by painting exactly the same view every day.
The resulting 365 paintings have been bought by a single buyer.
The resulting 365 paintings have been bought by a single buyer.
The individual 6 inch x 8 inch paintings were created at his studio at Higher Aunemouth Farm above Bantham Bay throughout 2010.
“I chose to focus on the horizon from a spot where I stand and look at the sea and check out the surf”.
Graham did not miss a single day. “There were some days when I’d drive home to Kingsbridge, realise I hadn’t done one and I had to turn round and go back and do it”.
“There are days when it was pretty grey and miserable but there’s even beauty in the grey,” said Graham, who grew up in Blackpool – which is where he believes his abiding love of depicting the sea and the sky comes from.